How To Learn A Language By Listening To Music

Listening to your favourite artists singing in the language you are learning can be a great way to improve your language skills. Jump onto YouTube or set up a Spotify playlist to see how much you can pick up by just listening. You can dance along too, getting your daily dose of language learning and exercise at the same time. Win win!

Here are a few tips for using music to learn a language:

  1. Start with artists that have recorded songs in your own language and other languages too, like in French and English or Spanish and English. If you already know the tune and the meaning of the song, it will be much easier to pick up words. And you’ll already know the dance moves!

  2. Watch a video of the song on YouTube with the subtitles turned on in.

  3. Follow the words of a song along in the lyrics section of a song on Spotify. As you improve, try listening without the lyrics.

  4. Note down any words you don’t understand and look them up, then return to them until you’ve got them!

  5. Try to mimic the singer (don’t worry about your singing voice!) and record yourself singing along to see how near your pronunciation is to the singer - try and imitate their accent.

Which song are you going to sing?

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