How To Build Language Learning Into Your Daily Routine

If your New Year’s resolution was to learn a new language but you haven’t quite got round to it yet, what are you waiting for?! We’re halfway through January, it’s still bleak outside and it’s the perfect time to put these long winter nights to good use with some language learning. And of course, if you start now, your conversation skills should be in pretty good shape for your summer holiday...

So what’s the best way to build language learning into your daily routine?

1. Be a social butterfly

If you use Facebook or Instagram every day, one simple way to ease yourself into a new language is to change the language of your account. You can ‘aime’ your friends’ posts in no time, and you’ll be surprised by how quickly you adapt. Follow some pages of influencers or businesses that you like in the language you are learning, then you’ll be practising reading and listening with the videos that pop up! Brushing up on your language skills while you socialise online? Yes, really...

2. Little and often

Many people find the time commitment associated with learning a new language intimidating. However, you really don’t have to spend an hour every single day poring over books and dictionaries. Language learning apps like Duolingo are perfect for dipping into a language in quick ten-minute bursts when you’re running a bath or waiting for a bus, helping you fit language learning into your busy daily schedule.

3. Eat your words

When you go on holiday, many of your interactions with locals will be around food when you stop for a bite to eat. Devour the menu (language-wise!). And you don’t even need to go away. This is the perfect excuse for you to try that new French restaurant in town or the traditional Italian deli round the corner. See how much of the menu you understand, and you can even practise your pronunciation and show off your accents with the lucky person who is serving you!

4. Watch your language

When the weather is wild outside, batten down the hatches and curl up with a foreign language film. Keep the subtitles on for support or turn them off if you really want to push yourself. In the early stages of language learning, try to watch a children’s film in your language of choice without subtitles so you can familiarise yourself with more common words before you grapple with that gritty art-house drama. Alternatively, if you a lover of a particular film that you’ve watched many times in your own language, that’ll be the one to start with to switch to the language you are learning.

5. Come fly with me

It is widely known that immersing yourself in the country where a language is spoken rapidly improves your language skills. This is why exchange programmes are so popular at school. Get away to the country as often as you can and while you’re there up the intensity and try an overseas language course, meaning you can enjoy the sunshine, polish up your language and make new friends in the process.

Are you ready to integrate more language learning into your daily routine?

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