Multilingual Sussex Schoolchildren Speak 94 Languages
There are over 3,000 bilingual school children in Sussex, on the South Coast of the UK, who speak an amazing 94 languages between them, including Wolof, which is spoken in Senegal, and Igbo, spoken in Nigeria and Niger-Congo.
New figures show the top ten tongues in West Sussex are Urdu, Gujarati, Caribbean Creole French, Portuguese, Tamil, Punjabi, Polish, Bengali, French and Pashto. The languages varied in East Sussex with their top ten being Polish, Portuguese, Bengali, Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese, Thai, Russian, Malayan and Farsi.
The Sussex-based Expanding Communities Project provides supplementary schools so children can continue to learn their native language outside school time. At the moment they provide assistance in the Polish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian and Lithuanian languages.
Read more about the languages spoken by Sussex schoolchildren>>