BBC Children's Series Now In Manx Gaelic

Children on the Isle of Man, UK, will now have the chance to learn Manx Gaelic by watching the BBC's Children's animated series, 'Friends and Heroes'. 

The series has already been translated into 11 languages and has now added Manx Gaelic. It is available with English subtitles to make it easier to pick up the language. Manx Gaelic is the native language of the Isle of Man. In 2009, it was officially declared 'extinct' by Unesco, but it has since made a remarkable revival.

An app is available for smart phones and tablets to make Manx language learning easy. The island also has a Manx-speaking school, the only one on the whole island. A Manx language officer said of the Manx translated 'Friends and Heroes' series that "it will hopefully give the language a higher profile and get more children interested".

Read more about why the BBC Children's series 'Friends and Heroes' has been translated into Manx Gaelic>>


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